
Information of a broader interest - and not suitable for the mailing list will be written here.

GOTM release - v5.2

Version 5.2 of GOTM is ready for release. It comes relative shortly after the release of version 5.0. One of the policies for a new release are changes in configuration files - releated to the new features.

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GOTM Roadmap - as of end of 2017

Below we will give a short description of the planned developments in the next 1 to 2 years. These plans do not in any way exclude other developments but only list what we have planned or have already started (likely because of project deliverables).

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Updated Windows NetCDF libraries

Mainly for developers. Updated NetCDF libraries for Windows. Still 3.6.3 but now both 32 and 64 bit are supported.

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GOTM release - v5.0

Finally the version 5 of GOTM is ready for release. It comes with a very large number of changes and improvements. Some - but not all - are mention in the list below.

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